July 27, 2024

Power outages in Laubourg currently April 2, 2023: There are disruptions to the power grid here

Power outages in Laubourg currently April 2, 2023: There are disruptions to the power grid here

On Sunday night, there was a power outage in Loburg in the postcode area 39279. You can read all the reports about today’s power outage in Loburg and what you can do now here on news.de

Sufferers of blackouts will have to live with some restrictions for the duration of the outage. Image: Adobe Stock/Victoria

Breakdowns and maintenance in Laubourg is up to date

On average, the German population is supplied with electricity continuously except for a few minutes a year. Known disorders are often called LV disorders in one or several families. For example, failure is not the norm in Lauburg, Saxony-Anhalt, but it can always happen temporarily. The Störsauskunft.de portal for Loburg is currently reporting an error for which the network operator Avacon Netz GmbH is responsible. Anyone wishing to know about current events in the region will find all the detailed information about the work in progress below.

The following disruptions are currently available in Loburg on April 2, 2023

Avacon Netz GmbH is the power grid operator registered in the region Weidendamm, Rottenau (within a radius of about 1 km) in Lüburg (postal code 39279, Jericho Land) disturbance. To date, no residents have explicitly reported disabilities. The problem is said to have been there since 1:34 am today, and the mechanics are on duty. It is not yet known when the disturbance is expected to be resolved. Unfortunately, the network operator did not report any other details about the outage.

(Last update: 2023-04-02, 12:52 PM)

Reporting a power outage in Loburg: The right contact for affected people

First of all: In most cases, a power outage is not considered an emergency. Only call the emergency numbers of the police or firefighters in an emergency. Instead, first try to see if the problem is only in your apartment, for example due to a blown fuse in your fuse box. If not, go to your energy company’s Incident Reporting page and report the incident there.

Here you can access the error report from the responsible network operator Avacon Netz.

Emergency checklist for those affected

It never hurts to have certain things in the house in case of an emergency. Here is an overview of items that can definitely help you in the event of a power outage:

  • light:
  • Torch/candles/tea lights
  • Backup power sources:
  • Maybe an emergency power generator
  • Batteries Replacement / Batteries Replacement / Power Bank
  • He eats:
  • Camping stove with gas cartridge
  • Perishable food/water supplies
  • climate:
  • Blankets/sleeping bags
  • Wood / coal / oil / petrol
  • Cool box
  • diverse:
  • Medicine
  • wet wipes
  • garbage bag
  • Supply of cash

Frequency of supply interruptions

Outages in the power grid happen from time to time, even if they are mostly regional and only temporary. In Germany, a lot is being done to ensure there are no power outages, and statistically speaking, German households have to go without electricity for an average of less than 20 minutes a year. In the UK it takes more than 1 hour a year, and in some European countries like Poland or Italy it takes more than 3 hours.

A comparison of federal states by the Federal Grid Agency shows that the main figures for outages range from 9 to 19 minutes. Rhineland-Palatinate (about 19 minutes a year) and Brandenburg (about 17 minutes) top the list, followed by Saxony-Anhalt (16 minutes). On the other hand, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hesse, Bavaria, Berlin and Schleswig-Holstein have the least blackouts (about 9 minutes each).

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Also interesting: Germany’s energy crisis: blackouts or partial failures possible?

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+++ Editorial note: This text has been generated on the basis of existing data with the help of artificial intelligence. If you have any comments or questions, please contact [email protected]. +++

ROJ / news.de