April 27, 2024

Data of a billion people - Facebook wants to abandon facial recognition function - News

Data of a billion people – Facebook wants to abandon facial recognition function – News

  • Facebook has eliminated the face recognition function that can automatically identify users in photos.
  • The data stored to identify the faces of more than one billion people will be deleted.
  • It was announced on the Internet. Facebook has also expressed concerns about the use of facial recognition technology.

Regulators are still in the process of developing rules for facial recognition software, and were said to justify this. Recently, users had to give their explicit consent to have their Facebook friends automatically display their name in photos. In Europe in particular, the internet with facial recognition technology has faced resistance from data custodians.

Facebook continues to see potential uses for this technology, for example to log into an account or unlock a device, she said. Work on this will continue – with due transparency for people who use Facebook.

Facebook confirmed that with the face recognition function set, the names in previous photos will not be displayed. Nothing will change for users who have not activated the function, since the facial recognition data will not have to be deleted.

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