May 6, 2024

Schwerin: WEMAG Power Supplier Warns of Suspicious Calls with International Identification

Schwerin: WEMAG Power Supplier Warns of Suspicious Calls with International Identification

Skeptical look at the smartphone because the screen displays a foreign number. Now caution is advised. | Photo: Thorsten Frenzel

There are more and more suspicious calls on smartphones for people in Schwerin and Im in and around Germany. International numbers are often displayed on the screen. Unfortunately, there are at least questionable backgrounds in most cases. Often times, however, it is also a matter of criminal acts. So it is important to be very careful with international numbers that you do not know. Recently, clients of Schwerin-based WEMAG have also been affected.

Some WEMAG customers have received questionable calls from international numbers

According to the energy supplier, affected people from Zarentin (Ludwigssellst-Parchheim region) reported phone calls beginning with UK code 0044. Callers pretending to be representatives of the regional energy provider. They ask in broken German about electricity tariffs for whoever calls them. They also ask for personal details, bank details, and contract number. Additionally, suspicious callers invite them to change their electricity supplier.

Better to ignore it – never call back

Depending on what happened, Michael Hillman, WEMAG Sales Manager advises: “If you are not expecting a call from the UK, just ignore it. Do not answer this request, do not provide any information, just hang up. These calls are illegal harassment. We contacted our clients personally, we are presenting ourselves vividly, promptly and clearly as WEMAG employees, ”says the sales manager.

The suspicious attempts are being investigated. Such calls are prohibited under the Unfair Competition Law, and violations threaten high fines. “Do not call back the number under any circumstances, it can be costly. And: Tell us if you are being harassed by these callers. We can then take action against callers.” Affected customers can contact WEMAG Customer Service at (0385). 2755-755.

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