May 16, 2024

Behind the scenes of science

Research means developing and implementing ideas, overcoming challenges, and gaining new insights. But how exactly does it work? The new series of articles from the University of Konstanz offers exciting insights into everyday research.

The University of Konstanz has launched a new series of articles entitled “Science Backstage”. This series of articles and multimedia contributions allows readers to understand the scientific process in more detail and see what really happens behind the scenes of research.

Daily and continuous work

In the scientific environment, groundbreaking findings and breakthrough results are often reported that mark the end of a scientific project or career. But these moments do not represent the daily life of researchers. Rather, it is the continuous daily work that ultimately leads to great discoveries.

The series of articles highlights different aspects of everyday scientific life. Depending on the subject area, this includes conducting experiments, collecting data, studying specialist literature, leading discussions, and interpreting results. Researchers often face unexpected challenges.

Great insights

Science Backstage promises fascinating insights into everyday research, from the challenges of field research in Africa to the impact of prestigious awards on the scientific community. The series is available in the digital magazine of the University of Konstanz and regularly presents new articles for anyone who wants to take a look behind the scenes of science.

More information is available at

(Source: KN Tourism)