May 19, 2024

What do dogs think? This is what science knows about it

It is certainly obvious to many people that dogs are smart. They listen to commands, absorb them, and are sometimes too smart for their own good. indeed What do dogs think? In reality? Do you also meditate, like us humans, and live complex intellectual lives? We looked at what science says about this.

This is how dogs think – according to science

Purely anatomically A dog's brain is not much different from a human's brain. It consists of two halves that have different and complex functions and are equipped with a continuous flow of information.

What do dogs actually think? picture: Javier Brosch –

According to science, our four-legged friends are capable of just that Linking smells to memories and places And create some kind of navigation to find them again. Additionally, various tests have shown that dogs can solve complex problems using their instincts as well as their reasoning, it was reported Day 24.

Can dogs have thoughts about the future?

We humans know this: thoughts about the future are the order of the day, and many fear the days that lie ahead. But dogs can also think about their future, Who are said to actually live here and now?

In fact, it has been proven that dogs Be able to link past experiences with possible future events. If your four-legged friend is home alone and happily breaks something, you will see the puppy's regretful eyes when his owner comes home, because he realizes his punishment.

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According to brain researcher Professor Dr. There are already Xin Zheng from Ruhr University Bochum and Professor Thomas Sudendorf, a researcher in the field of animal cognition. There is no evidence that four-legged friends are able to construct different future scenarios. The example described can thus be understood as a series of memories and learning effects.

What do dogs think of their owners?

But dogs have to worry about their owners, right? At least they clearly do The ability to classify tone of voice, human facial expressions, and intensity of touch And also act according to them. In this sense, they “think” of us with appreciation, respect, and love – if we treat them with exactly those qualities.

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