May 15, 2024

2 Fans plotted to steal Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom before it was released, infiltrated the delivery company

Many gamers take extra time off to play their favorite titles right at launch. Two young Japanese men went above and beyond and even took part-time jobs to get closer to The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. However, they committed a crime, which was solved by the mother of one of the criminals.

What did the two do? Reports said that young men between the ages of 21 and 24 had come up with an insidious plan 3djuegos portal. I got a part-time job with a subcontractor at Amazon about a month before Zelda: TotK was released. The company specializes in the delivery of goods and receives the goods to be delivered about three days before the start of the sale.

When the game was released, the two were supposed to deliver physical copies to customers, but they could not be found a few days before launch. They planned to play Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom before it was released, so they stole two copies from the warehouse.

One scammer even went a step further and stole other things. He stole a total of 10 more items including a pro controller, another copy of TotK, Zelda amiibos, and an extra Amazon spoon that was exclusive to Japan. He wanted to resell the stolen goods in order to make a profit.

You can see what excites criminals about The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom in the following trailer:

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom trailer shows what to expect in the game

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How was the crime discovered? Her boss called the mother of one of the criminals. The mother explained that her son was fine and was playing a video game. As a result, she emerges as the company’s heroine.

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The boss found out it was Zelda’s new nickname and confronted the criminal. The game wasn’t released at that time, so it wasn’t possible for him to play it yet. Then the act of another impostor was revealed.

You can find more about the game in our MeinMMO Overview. And if you’re just beginning your journey through Hyrule on your own, here are our top tips for getting started in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Thieves of Zelda is coming down lightly

What punishment did they get? The two fraudsters received a relatively light punishment. They were immediately fired and only had to replace the items they had stolen. According to reports, there was no advertisement.

The president told Japanese media (via confirms that such incidents are more common with part-time workers. This makes it difficult to verify the supplier who committed the crime.

Fortunately for the company, the two thieves did not get away with their crime. Another man tried to steal Pokemon cards, but he was caught too: Pokemon: A man commits what is arguably the biggest theft in the history of the trading card game, destroying everything with one mistake