April 28, 2024

This was behind the recent aviation chaos in the United States

A plane takes off from Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts. On January 11, all US domestic flights were temporarily suspended due to computer problems.Photo: Cornerstone

The competent supervisory authority, the FAA, is struggling to update outdated computer systems for air traffic control.

1/13/2023, 2:12 PM1/13/2023, 2:13 PM

A corrupt database at the US air traffic control agency caused massive problems for US air traffic on Wednesday: The heise.de reported On Friday he referred to a letter from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The authority also confirmed that there is no evidence so far of a cyber attack.

Like the American broadcaster CNN reportedOn Tuesday evening, US air traffic control noted that the corresponding database was faulty. After a full system reboot on Wednesday, it reacted very slowly and had to shut down.

“Hopelessly outdated”

Corrupt Database is the central collection for all of the so-called NOTAMs of the USA. The Air Mission Notice contained short-term information about significant temporary or permanent changes to flight operations. According to the CNN report, an investigation is still underway into whether someone or a “routine entry” damaged the database.

Updating the “hopelessly outdated” NOTAM system According to Reuters Work has already begun, but the transition at the 49 largest US airports will not be completed before the end of 2029. There are always problems with US air traffic. Less than two weeks ago, another critical air traffic control system caused flight delays at major Florida airports.

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