April 29, 2024

What is Silent Hill: The SMS?  The age classification in South Korea has been revealed

What is Silent Hill: The SMS? The age classification in South Korea has been revealed

In South Korea, a game called Silent Hill: The Short Message has received an age rating.

The rating is given today, but the platforms are not named.

What is Silent Hill: The SMS?

It is also not clear from the entry what exactly this project is.

as such jimatsu mentioned, UNIANA is served as a publisher. The company regularly distributes Konami games in South Korea.

More news about Silent Hill:

However, the age classification appears to be related to one of the many Silent Hill projects that are said to be in development.

Earlier this year, there were rumors that Konami was planning a large-scale revival of the Silent Hill series.

Supposedly there is currently a remake of silent hill 2 in development. Furthermore, Bloober Team (The media) linked to a new Silent Hill game. There have already been some indications in the past that the Bloober Team has agreed to a partnership with Konami and claims to be working on an existing IP of horror from a well-known publisher.

In any case, the age classification identification suggests that we should soon learn more about Silent Hill: the SMS.

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