May 5, 2024

Almost ten Republican senators announced plans to vote against the electoral vote count

Republican lawmakers said they intend to reject Electoral College votes from multiple states until a “10-day emergency audit” of election results in “contested states” is completed. The group includes Senator Ted Cruz from Texas, Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, James Lancford from Oklahoma, Steve Dines from Montana, John Kennedy from Louisiana, Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee, Mike Brown from Indiana, and Elected Senator Cynthia Loomis from Wyoming. Roger Marshall from Kansas, Bill Hagerty from Tennessee and Tommy Toberville from Alabama.

“An honest and reliable vetting – conducted quickly and ends well before January 20 – would greatly improve Americans’ confidence in our election process and greatly enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next president. We owe that to the people,” they said in the statement. Declaration.

They added that the January 6 congressional vote was “the only remaining constitutional authority to consider the multiple allegations of serious voter fraud and impose their resolution.”

None of the Republicans contested Biden’s victory over their same-day victory on the same ballot papers using the same election systems.

CNN reported earlier that at least 140 Republican members of the House of Representatives will vote against the electoral vote count in Congress, according to it. Two members of the Republican House of Representatives.

On Wednesday, the Republican Senator from Missouri, Josh Hawley, became the first senator to announce plans to veto the results – an important step as both the House member and the senator must file an objection when Congress counters the electoral votes.

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This is an urgent news story and will be updated.