May 4, 2024

Lots of tricks in the supermarket

Lots of tricks in the supermarket

Already at the entrance, customers see Easter chocolate bunnies. Elsewhere in the store, too, they walk through special shelves with sugar eggs, chocolates, Easter lambs, and other sweet things. This is what it looks like in many supermarkets at the moment. After all, Easter is in a few weeks!

These special shelves with sweets are a common strategy in stores. They hope people will grab them sooner than if Easter items were somewhere in the store among other things. Scientists in Great Britain have taken a look at whether this is indeed the case.

The result was that if Easter gifts were in special areas and not on ordinary shelves, they were often bought. In general, people may eat more sweets at Easter. Previous tests have also shown that if there are sweets in front of the checkout, people buy more sweets.

Both findings are exciting for the UK government. It is considering whether it should adopt new rules for supermarkets. It may no longer be allowed to advertise sweets there in the future. So people should eat less of it because too much sweets are unhealthy.

But on the other hand, can customers in the supermarket be persuaded to buy more healthy things? The researchers also looked at this. The result was that if there were French fries with less fat and potatoes with regular fat, the regular ones were bought for less. The same thing worked for biscuits that contain less sugar.

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Other tricks, however, did not work. For example, researchers used shelf edge banners to show where drinks have less sugar. Food with less sugar is also placed at eye level. But that didn’t convince people to buy more of the low-sugar stuff.

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