May 19, 2024

Capitol storming - 'Shaman' must stay behind bars for more than three years - News

Capitol storming – ‘Shaman’ must stay behind bars for more than three years – News

  • Jacob Chansley, an Arizona “shaman” who wears a headdress made of fur and horns, has been sentenced to three years and five months in prison, according to US media reports.
  • His image spread around the world when supporters of US President-elect Donald Trump stormed the Capitol building last January.
  • The Department of Justice requested more than four years in prison for Chanceley’s prominent role in the Capitol storming.

Chansley was arrested a few days after the dramatic events on January 6. He has been detained ever since. Chansley bragged about this act after the attack. “The fact that a group of traitors holed up in their positions, put on gas masks, and withdrew into the underground bunker, I count as a victory,” he told NBC News at the time.

All the “patriots” of Washington

Before his arrest, Chansley informed the FBI himself, according to official information, and said that he came from Arizona because Trump invited all “patriots” to Washington.


Shortly after the 2020 US election, a QAnon supporter appeared in public several times.


Trump had instigated his supporters at a rally shortly before storming the Capitol. At the time, he wanted to prevent Congress from officially confirming that his opponent, Joe Biden, had won the presidential election. Trump has not admitted losing to Biden to this day.

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