July 27, 2024

Young mom serving as a counselor: Happic has to do Burbook

Young mom serving as a counselor: Happic has to do Burbook

The main program was decided, Baden-Württemberg won, and the electoral platform was introduced: the final stage of the Green Rocket Expedition to the Chancellery is the decision of who should be the top candidate. In fact, only Burbock, Habeck’s co-chair could be the choice.

Politicians feel as though they are John “Hannibal” Smith, the team leader from the TV series “Das A-Team”: They love it when the plan works. Because this is rarely the case in uncertain political business. However, for the Greens, everything actually goes on like the Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck board duo as well as the Federal General Manager Michael Kellner who envisioned him in the summer: The base program process was successfully completed in the fall, and in March Prime Minister Winfred Kretschman introduced Best The result of state elections at all times the Greens had strong tailwinds and five days later the party presented its electoral platform in the Bundestag, while global climate strikes that took place at the same time underscored the urgency of the Green Party election program.

Between Easter and Pentecost, that is, in ten weeks at the most, Habick and Barbock want to clarify the issue of running for the chancellor – a question that journalists have been asking for months, which has given the union’s competitors extra attention. The fact that CDU / CSU is now in an unforeseen crisis couldn’t be better from the Greens’ point of view. In addition to a possible alliance with the Union and a more theoretical alliance of green, red and red, there has been discussion of a possible traffic light with the SPD and FDP for several days. The more pragmatic green governance emerges, the greater the weight of the finance minister candidate’s question.

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Obama or Ardern?

So what criteria are Habic and Burbook using to figure out this groundbreaking decision? Habeck is the somewhat well-known and most popular politician who also has government experience as a minister in Schleswig-Holstein. Politics professor Lothar Probst described the 51-year-old as Obama’s choice in an interview with broadcaster Phoenix – a good-looking face of a new beginning that plunges into the media with embellished philosophical digressions about Germany’s future.

Burbock, to stay in the picture, could have gifted Jacinda Ardern, the strong and passionate Prime Minister of New Zealand. Burbock, a member of the Bundestag, has caught up with Bhabek as a popular member. She has no government experience, but has repeatedly managed to impress with her professionally experienced appearances in Parliament and TV. Its shortcomings are manageable compared to BHC, but when looking for the fundamental difference between the two, the fact that Burbuck is the mother of young children should be an important factor.

It makes a difference

Whether the politician is a man or a woman or neither nor nor, whether or not that person has children, says nothing about his suitability to rule. With the same qualifications, age, gender and origin are criteria – at least in a country where the economic, social and cultural dominance of men of academic parents without an immigrant background continues.

When Habick told Ann Weil that the highest single government position in the Federal Republic cannot be cited, he is right. However, the type of person holding the position makes a difference. Because if you don’t remember the blunt jokes about women and Aussie at the start of Angela Merkel’s tenure, you might be too young. Since then, much has changed for the better, and it is something that can easily be forgotten: prominent female politicians have been the rule since the beginning of the 2000s, and are still a minority in politics.

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Very few successful politicians are mothers of young children. Because compatibility between professional and family life remained an unfulfilled promise in German politics and economics. In the green election program under the slogan “Germany – All In”, feminism and equality were the second theme after climate change. The Greens want to finally overcome the structural and cultural deprivation of women. Of course, the female face is the most suitable candidate for this program. This will be the only signal Burbock will send as a candidate for chancellor for the Green Party.

The family as the theme of the election campaign

The second indication concerns the role of the family as a political issue – and it is a major concern for Burbock in times of pandemics. Family is everywhere where people take responsibility to one another out of love and / or kinship, regardless of constellation. All of these people are concerned with the well-being of the elderly and the future of their children.

Kretschman has impressively shown that the Greens cannot be considered a climate party alone with a majority of votes. The candidate who, unlike all previous advisors, continues to personally take care of the little ones, is a more fit team than Habic, whose four sons have already emerged from the woods. Especially since Habek himself admitted that his progressive family did not succeed in dividing the family work equally between father and mother.

All-German Chancellor

Because that’s also an important difference: Burbock is a mother of young children because she is only 40 years old – 11 years younger than Habick, 14 years younger than Marcus Söder, 20 years younger than Armin Laschet, and 21 years younger than Olaf Scholes. The Greens would also represent a shockingly small minority of those under 50 in Germany at the chancellery. This is also not without importance, because the influx of non-parliamentary movements like Fridays for the Future also fuels the feeling of many young people that they are not sufficiently represented in the institutions of this outdated country.

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Baerbock is a relatively young woman who can personally understand and communicate the daily needs of families with young children. She also grew up in Lower Saxony, and after her recent studies in Frankfurt / Oder, she arrived at her current home in Brandenburg. She would be Germany’s first female chancellor – also because of her age. If Habeck and Baerbock cannot come up with any other criteria as the basis for their decision, then there is no need to go around the young mother.

Note: This article was first published on March 15th and is updated again now.