July 27, 2024

Where the laws of physics and logic don’t apply – theater

Where the laws of physics and logic don’t apply – theater

The dance season at the Freiburg Theater begins with a guest performance from Canada – followed by two more.

Adriana Almeida Pees went to dance festivals in Canada several times before the pandemic. The curator of the dance department of the Freiburg Theater developed the idea of ​​introducing the country’s dance scene when it became known that Canada would be the guest country at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2020. We know how it ended: the pandemic brought the trade fair to its knees, and Canada was cordoned off anyway: There is no opportunity for intercontinental exchange. Now—like so many things left behind during shutdowns—it will be made up for: On the season’s opening weekend, Vancouver’s Out Innerspace Dance Theater will be showing the Great House with choreography “Bygones” from 2019.

When Almeida Pease talks about the Canadian dance scene, she immerses herself in the rapture. The companies are technically highly skilled, but their classic and contemporary training is only a means to an end: the international oriented curator has discovered a playful and light aesthetic in Canada, as well as cutting-edge use of stage lighting technology.

“Bygones”, designed by David Raymond and Tiffany Tregarthen, with the help of dramatic plays of light, deceptive smoke effects and video design, takes the audience into a fantasy world between light and shadow, where the laws of physics and logic do not appear to present by program.

Two more sets will follow from Vancouver during the season – after two smaller productions from Montreal were shown digitally only in June. Almeida Pease said in an interview that the dancers are happy to finally be able to perform live again. In turn, their energetic potential is great. This also applies to MoveTheCompany, which will be showcasing its production “Sudade” at the Big House on October 23. The climax of “Focus Canada” will come on May 7-8, when world-renowned choreographer Crystal Pite and her company Kidd Pivot will showcase her new work “Revisor,” inspired by the comedy by Nikolai Gogol.

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In addition, the new dance program presents a whole host of other productions: theater director Ersan Mondtag guest-stars in June with his first dance piece “Joy of Life”, Ann Van den Broek of Belgium and Radhouane El Meddeb of Brazil from Belgium. Leah Rodriguez.

Adriana Almeida Pees continues to rely on international co-productions, on networks such as the Réseau Grand Luxe, which is made up of eight European houses, residences for dancers and screen dance artists. If you say now that dancing in Freiburg is well organized, then this is not a metaphor.

“past” On October 1st at 7.30pm at the Great House of the Freiburg Theatre.