July 27, 2024

UN Security Council veto – Russia and China block international sanctions against North Korea

UN Security Council veto – Russia and China block international sanctions against North Korea

  • The US initiative in the UN Security Council to impose further sanctions on North Korea was not implemented.
  • China and Russia used their vetoes to prevent Pyongyang from taking further action.
  • The United States wanted North Korea to be disciplined for its repeated ballistic missile tests.

The remaining thirteen countries in the Security Council voted in favor of the US draft resolution. This was reported by the news agencies Reuters and Agence France-Presse.

This draft stipulated a ban on the export of tobacco and oil to North Korea. The head of state, Kim Jong-un, is a heavy smoker.

In addition, the Lazarus hacker group was supposed to be blacklisted while accepting the sanctions protocol. According to the United States, it is linked to North Korea.

Washington blamed the group for the theft of cryptocurrency worth about 594.8 million Swiss francs.

    The vote at the United Nations’ highest body came just a day after North Korea launched three more missiles. It is said that among them was the largest ICBM in the country. The Security Council expressly prohibits such.

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