July 27, 2024

UK study: vaccinated virus load reaches unvaccinated delta level – Politics

UK study: vaccinated virus load reaches unvaccinated delta level – Politics

Research by Public Health England (PHE) indicates that people who contract the delta variant are very contagious. Whether or not they are vaccinated should not have any effect on this.

that reports “guardian”. In an official statement from PHE, it was said that preliminary results showed that the viral load in vaccinated people who tested positive as a result of penetration of vaccination was as high as in those with delta vaccination.

The notification does not disclose the data that PHE refers to. Because the data is very early, further targeted studies are also required to confirm the assumption.

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Data from the US Epidemic Protection Agency from last week already indicated that vaccinated people can transmit delta virus just as well as unvaccinated people.

Thus, caution is still required for vaccinated people, especially when they meet non-vaccinated people. However, it is still certain that vaccines provide very reliable protection against severe cycles in hospital cycles.

Vaccination breakthroughs in the delta variant are mainly due to the fact that it has the property of being able to better evade antibodies formed after vaccination.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has so far found 7,500 breakthroughs in 42 million fully vaccinated people. Diseases occurred despite vaccination in about 0.02 percent of those fully vaccinated.

According to the RKI, about 54 percent of Germany’s population is now fully vaccinated against the coronavirus. (small spoon)