July 27, 2024

Trump debut: “Maybe I’ll beat the Democrats for the third time” – Politics Abroad

Trump debut: “Maybe I’ll beat the Democrats for the third time” – Politics Abroad

Donald Trump, 74, is back – and his conservative supporters celebrate him as a rock star.

The former president of the United States gave his first public speech since leaving the White House on Sunday. His message at the CPAC: The movement he started more than four years ago is just beginning.

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However, Trump ruled out the creation of a separate new party when he appeared in Orlando, Florida. “I’m not starting a new party,” he said at the CPAC event, a barometer of the mood of Republican voters.

Then he made it clear that there was no need for that. “We have the Republican Party,” he said. You will be defiant and stronger than ever. “I will continue to fight alongside you.”

Trump fans in Orlando celebrated their ex-president like a rock starPhoto: John Raoux / AP

Trump was in the mood for a distributor. He attacked the Republicans who had voted “guilty” in his second impeachment trial. They are nothing more than a few corrupt politicians. But the party itself will stand united behind it!

But above all, his Oval Office Democratic successor took Joe Biden (78) to his chest. It broke a long tradition of former American presidents not to interfere in the policies of their successors and not to undermine the current commander in chief of the United States.

“Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month for a president in modern history,” Trump shouted loudly “USA! USA!” – shouts from the audience. The democratic government is “anti-jobs, anti-family, anti-border, anti-energy, anti-women, anti-science.”

Talking about the Democrats ’coronavirus restrictions, Trump said,“ You can’t go to local restaurants to have dinner with your family. But he brings thousands of refugees into the country, about whom we know nothing … ”Once again, the shouts of ‘United States’ have led to Hall vibration.

The former artist repeated his claim several times that he won the November 2020 elections. He claims, “If we had a fair choice, the result would have been different.” Or: “We won the elections twice. The elections were rigged. The Constitutional Court decided not to do anything about it.”

The clearest ad, which made his fans particularly happy, was this: “Maybe I’ll decide to defeat them a third time!” In plain language: maybe in four years he will enter the race for the White House again!

Worship Trump: At a CPAC event, a life-size gold doll for the former president was created

Worship Trump: At a CPAC event, a life-size gold doll for the former president was createdPhoto: John Raoux / AP

In his speech, which lasted more than an hour, Trump addressed many other topics close to the heart of conservative Americans and Christians.

▶ ︎ Condemned transgender people in sports. This is unfair for female athletes who have trained for years.

Ironically, his announcement didn’t stop the organizers from finally playing a song for “Village People” (YMCA) – a group that has advocated for sexual freedom since the 1970s.

▶ ︎ Attack Biden’s energy policy. It is a “great victory” for other oil-producing countries.

▶ ︎ He demanded to smash big tech giants like Twitter and Facebook.

▶ ︎ He claimed that Iran under President Trump was on the verge of compromising on the nuclear deal. But now the mullahs will have the upper hand and be stubborn.

In the end, he promised that Republicans would take back the White House in 2024. As he talks about the next allegedly conservative US president: “I wonder who he will be. When? When? When?”

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