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Trump calls Putin’s actions ‘cool’ and embarrasses Fox News

Trump calls Putin’s actions ‘cool’ and embarrasses Fox News

In a radio interview, Donald Trump talks about the actions of the Russian president. Putin is “brilliant” and “intelligent” and the independence of the two Ukrainian provinces is “awesome”. His statements are bewildering and bring “Fox News” in need of explanation.

02/23/2022, 05:3302/23/2022, 07:48

Salome Worlin

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While the whole world is concerned about developments in Ukraine, Donald Trump calls the actions of the Russian president “brilliant” and “smart”. Trump spoke to conservative radio and podcasters Buck Sexton and Clay Davis yesterday, where he was asked about the situation in Ukraine, among other things.

“Mr. President, Russia has announced in the past 24 hours that it will recognize the independence of two separatist regions of Ukraine. The White House calls this an invasion. This is a strong word. What went wrong here? What would the current incumbent of the Oval Office have done differently? “

Trump cannot refrain from first referring to the previous “rigged” presidential election. “There is now a candidate in office who should not be there and has no idea what he’s doing,” Trump said.

Trump waxes lyrically

Then back to the real question. He watched Putin’s speech on TV yesterday. his reaction?

“I said, ‘That’s cool.’” Putin declares the independence of a large part of Ukraine. Oh, that’s cool.”

The day before, Putin had recognized the independence of the “people’s republics” of Luhansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. He also ordered the dispatch of Russian soldiers. He is planning to invade Ukraine for the second time since 2014. The West accuses him of violating international law and he promptly responded with a wave of sanctions. Meanwhile, Trump had only words of praise for the recent decisions of the Kremlin head:

He finds the strength of Putin’s “peacekeepers” particularly impressive and enviable.

“It’s the most powerful peacekeeping force…we can use one on our southern border,” he said.

He himself, who had pursued a strict policy of refugees and immigration during his tenure, would like the presence of such forces on the border with Mexico. Trump said Putin’s forces are strong and will bring peace to eastern Ukraine:

“It’s the most powerful peacekeeping force I’ve ever seen. There were more tanks than I’ve ever seen. You’d be good at keeping peace. No really, think about it. We have a very smart guy here… I know him very well. Really good.”

Criticism of Biden’s policies

He also claims that such an escalation would not have happened to him as president:

“By the way, it would never have happened to me. If I had been in the position – unimaginable. It would have never happened.”

But the next moment, he again praised Putin’s actions:

But there is someone who says, ‘I will declare a large part of Ukraine independent’–use the word ‘independent’–‘and we will go out, and we will go and we will help keep the peace. You have to admit, that’s pretty clever. “

He accused his successor, Joe Biden, of failing to deal with Russia. He had no answer for Putin’s actions, which were “very sad.”

But in fact, Biden immediately announced sanctions. Yesterday he announced that he would impose sanctions on two Russian banks, Russian government bond dealers, three Putin supporters and their families.

Fox News needs an explanation

Trump’s comments sparked confusion online, as he praised a historic rival to the United States. Republican Representative Liz Cheney accuses Trump of helping the enemy with his statements. I concluded from this that his interests do not appear to be in line with those of the United States of America.

Donald Trump unequivocally expresses his sympathy for Putin and his plans. Thus, the pro-Trump Fox News outlet sees only one way out of the misery: Trump naturally did not mean these statements seriously. Fox presenter Pete Hegseth is convinced he only wants to take over the media.

Even White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki agrees with Fox brokers: She doesn’t take Donald Trump seriously either. When asked on Tuesday evening (local time), she made her opinion clear on his comments: “We are basically trying not to accept the advice of someone who praises President Putin and his military strategy.”

It’s no surprise that Trump is so nice to Putin. During his tenure, critics accused him of treating the Kremlin chief with gloves. According to the US investigative authorities, the Russian government interfered “in a comprehensive and systematic way” in the 2016 US presidential election, from which Trump emerged victorious at that time.

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With material from sda and dpa news organizations.

More on the conflict in Ukraine:

Ukraine reporter surprised by reports in six different languages

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