July 27, 2024

The word Luxembourg

The word Luxembourg

Thieves were looking for stolen property in Etelbrück, Luxembourg City, Esch / Alzet and Strassen.

So it was on a Friday night just after one o’clock in the morning. Etelbrook In the Grand Row A break in the family home mentioned. The search for the fugitive succeeded after a short time: since the person was in possession of the stolen property, he was arrested by order of the public prosecutor.

At approximately 3:40 AM, a thief gained unauthorized access to the resident’s home while he was in Street des Etats-Unis in Luxembourg City Sold. When the victim woke up, the intruder had already left the house with various valuables.

On Thursday evening, it is possible that several unknown persons were forcibly entered into a single-family home in the capital, also in the capital Street Relay broken into.

at Rue des Romains in Strassen An unknown broke the front door of the apartment on Thursday during the day.

Also on Thursday he got in Rue de l’Usine in Esch / Alzette

Thief entry across the back of the house. After all the rooms were searched for valuables, the perpetrator managed to escape without discovering the stolen items.

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