July 27, 2024

The Industrial Strategy Archives – BusinessPortal Norway

The Industrial Strategy Archives – BusinessPortal Norway

Chemiklas Park in the Humber District. This is where the H2H Saltend project begins © The Film Agency

Oslo, 12 August 2022. Norwegian energy group Equinor ASA will be one of the first industrial plants in the world and the first in the UK to produce hydrogen from natural gas combined with carbon dioxide.2Marine Capture and Storage (CCS) Building. That was on August 12 UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) announced that the hydrogen production plant from natural gas at Saltand Chemical Park in the Humber District (H2H Saltend) Successfully passed the second phase of the government’s cluster sequencing process and is conducting the due diligence phase. The power plant will now be connected to the CO2 transmission and storage infrastructure in the East Coast cluster of the Humber and Teesside regions, the first two CSS clusters in Great Britain. The project is scheduled to start operating in 2026/2027. Equinor’s bids for the construction of two new gas-fired carbon capture power plants have also been green-lighted at Keadby.

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CCUS needs organization, infrastructure, and top two drivers

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