July 27, 2024

Switzerland is the smartest country in Europe

Switzerland is the smartest country in Europe

Switzerland ranks first in the European rankings.Photo: Keystone

This is not what we are saying, but rather a current study. Below are the rankings and the reasons for our outstanding performance.

A study was recently published in which Switzerland was described as the most hospitable country in Europe. The reasons for this are low level of English, lack of help from local residents and poor taxi service. Fortunately, there's now a new study that can at least mend our bruised egos. Conclusion of the study? Switzerland is nothing less than the “smartest country” in Europe.

Study Hospitality:

Investigating online educational schools TutorSpace He claims this based on 17 factors related to intelligence and development. These variables include aspects such as quality and accessibility of education, digital literacy, and public investment in education.

Switzerland was able to achieve the highest values ​​in all four identified categories. Everywhere ratings are over 76 points. It will be possible to get 100 points for each category. The average is 81.1 points. The study's authors point out that one-third of people between the ages of 25 and 64 have a university education and that public spending on education represents about 15% of total national spending. This information is consistent with data from the Federal Statistical Office.

The study covered 44 European countries. The evaluation results in the following country classifications:

The results show clear patterns. Apart from Switzerland, all the other countries in the top six are Scandinavian countries. On the other hand, it is notable that, with the exception of Germany and the United Kingdom, no major European country is represented among the top fifteen countries.

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“A third goes to university.”

France narrowly missed out (17th place), but performed better than Spain and Italy. Spain ranks 25th, while Italy ranks 32nd with a meager score of 43.6. Bosnia, North Macedonia and Albania come in at the bottom with values ​​of just over 20. With the latter countries and the Swiss-Scandinavian bloc topping the rankings, one might suspect that IQ is largely dependent on money.

It is clear that Switzerland's results have left a good impression abroad. British tabloid newspaper pass He wrote in a mixture of cliché and admiration:

“According to the report, this chocolate and cheese-producing country excels in higher education, with a third of adults holding a university degree.”

The newspaper also pointed out that education in Switzerland lasts a long time and, surprisingly, “most of it is free.” But what is important is that the honor of little Switzerland remains intact. (Assi)

Design is a failure in schools


Design is a failure in schools

The diagram is likely to cause confusion.

Source: Reddit

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