July 27, 2024

Storm in Germany – record heat in Canada kills people

Storm in Germany – record heat in Canada kills people

yoThe nwetter paralyzed long-distance traffic on the Deutsche Bahn in parts of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg on Tuesday evening. According to the railways, the outages are likely to continue into the evening hours.

This affected the links between Stuttgart and Munich, Stuttgart and Nuremberg, between Erfurt and Nuremberg and Munich, between Fulda and Munich and between Frankfurt (Main) and Passau. Night trains of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) to and from Amsterdam, Brussels, Innsbruck and Vienna have been cancelled, the train announced.

The long-distance trains that still run are sometimes very full. He said at the railroad for this, we ask for your understanding. Passengers were asked to identify their contact prior to departure.

During the day, long-distance trains did not stop temporarily at Stuttgart Main Station due to storm damage. Regional traffic to Stuttgart is stopped on several routes.

Water at the Stuttgart Opera

Operations at the storm-hit State Opera in Stuttgart cannot resume until Saturday at the earliest. “Today another heavy rain fell, and the water penetrated the house again because the roof is only temporarily covered,” Stuttgart Theater Managing Director Mark Oliver Hendricks said on Tuesday evening. Thousands of liters of water entered the house on Tuesday afternoon. The house has been open again for about two weeks.

Parts of the ceiling of the Stuttgart Opera House are located on the ground in front of the Opera

Source: dpa / Christoph Schmidt

Parts of the state opera house’s copper roof were lifted and partially torn apart by violent storms Tuesday night. As a result, tens of thousands of liters of water entered the building, Hendricks said. Above all, the ceiling structure was damaged as well as the plasterboard ceilings and walls inside. Water may cause further damage to electrical systems. “The top priority is to seal the roof off so no more water gets in,” Hendricks said.

There were strong thunderstorms with hail in the evening in southern Bavaria. A police spokesman in Rosenheim said trees had fallen in the streets and cars and that basements were full. “Calls come in here almost every minute,” he said. At first there was no accurate overview of the potential damage.

In Lindau on Lake Constance, the parks viewing system was damaged in a storm, organizers announced. As a result, tree branches were cut down, masonry walls collapsed, and greenhouse doors were broken. However, the show should be able to open on Wednesday as planned.

In Landshut, the old town was flooded. There were torrential rains, muddy streets, washed-out cars, fallen manhole covers, fallen trees, overgrown basements, power boxes and damaged oil tanks, as Mirko Olzim, situation service at the Integrated Control Center in Landshut, described the situation. According to the preliminary results, no one was hurt. “It was a storm that only happens every five to 10 years,” he added.

Storms were also felt in the north on Tuesday. According to the Kiel fire brigade, the central regional office in Schleswig-Holstein had to process 270 assignments in a few hours on Tuesday. Because of the storm that moved in the afternoon from the Bloen region through Kiel to the Rendsburg-Eckernförde region, several full cellars and flooded street areas were reported. In addition, the wind hit the trees.

So volunteer fire brigades from the Bloen region had to spread out 200 times, those from the Rendsburg-Eckernförde 20 times and those from Kiel 50 times. The southeast of the country was previously affected by a violent thunderstorm. According to the Southern Regional Control Center in Bad Oldesloe, there have been about 130 weather-related missions in the Stormarn, Duchy of Lauenburg and Ostholstein regions, among others due to the filled basements. Four fires occurred after the lightning strikes.

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Storm risk diminishes

After strong thunderstorms in many places, the weather in Germany should gradually calm down. The German Weather Service (DWD) is forecasting at least heavy rain until Friday – but there’s no risk of storms, a DWD meteorologist said in Offenbach on Tuesday.

According to the information, there is already a lot of sunshine in the south and southeast on Wednesday. However, the air has become drier and cooler than before, so that no more storms are expected there. There are still thunderstorms, especially in the northeast. In general, temperatures return to highs of between 17 and 24 degrees. “It is likely that the 25-degree mark will not be broken again until the end of the week,” the meteorologist said.

heat wave in canada

Meanwhile, a record high heat wave in western Canada has contributed to the deaths, according to police. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said, on Tuesday, that the authorities followed up within 24 hours more than 25 reports of sudden deaths. In most cases, she added, extreme heat is seen as an aggravating factor. Among the dead were many elderly people.

The police called on residents to pay special attention to vulnerable groups. “It is imperative that we take care of each other in this extreme heat,” Vancouver District Police spokesman Mike Callang said in the statement. Several air-conditioned centers have been set up in the West Coast city where people can find refuge from the heat.

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Heat absorption in the Gulf Stream in 2001. Shown in black: US East Coast

On Twitter, the local weather service said 47.9 degrees were measured in Leyton, Canada (British Columbia) on Monday. Accordingly, it was the highest temperature in the country’s history. It said on the website of the responsible authority that the values ​​are provisional and can be updated. In place, the old record of 45 degrees in Medal (Saskatchewan) from 1937 was already surpassed on Sunday by 46.6 degrees.

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In many places in North America, including Oregon in the western United States, record local temperatures of over 40 degrees have been measured.

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