July 27, 2024

Sarah Lombardi – First live performance in the USA!  |  entertainment

Sarah Lombardi – First live performance in the USA! | entertainment

Sarah’s childhood dream almost turned into a nightmare!

In the second episode of Sarah Lombardi’s new documentary series “Sarah – Come Back to Me” (RTL2) on Wednesday night, the 25-year-old wants to fulfill her childhood dream: to perform live on an American stage once in her life!

But that almost went south…

The reason: Shortly before the performance, director Dennis Rockenbach (41) had not received confirmation of Sarah’s song selection. Absolute horror for the young mother!

Sarah was disappointed: “What do I do when I get there and they can’t play the song? Then I can’t perform.”

Even manager Dennis had no advice: “I can’t say that. We have to let it come to us.”

The singer quickly made her way with her son Alessio (two years old) and her grandmother Carmela (70 years old) to the bar where the show was scheduled to take place to take matters into her own hands.

Fortunately with success! Shortly before the show started, there was a GO from bar owner Jay.

“We have bands here that play something different every night,” he explained to Sarah. Any kind of music is acceptable, so don’t worry!” The 25-year-old was relieved that the performance went smoothly.

Although the number of visitors to the bar was reasonable, Sarah’s singing was well received by the guests. There was singing and dancing. Eventually, some pulled out their cell phones and asked the single mother to take a picture of her.

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After the show, Sarah was beaming from ear to ear: “This was an experience, I had simply dreamed of it and today my dream has come true!”

Once one thing was mastered, the next challenge was about to begin.

The singer is scheduled to record 11 songs for her new album, “Back to Me,” within four days. Problem: There are major problems with the technology in the studio.

Whether he can finally be controlled will be shown in the next episode…