July 27, 2024

“Princes and the Press” is causing a stir in Great Britain

“Princes and the Press” is causing a stir in Great Britain

London. Although Meghan and Harry have long since stopped living in Great Britain, they haven’t made the headlines on the island. To the dismay of many Britons, who have long been tired of the drama around the couple. The latest scandal revolves around the second part of the BBC’s television documentary series Princes and the Press, which aired on Monday. Among other things, it sheds light on the relationship between the Duke and Duke of Sussex and the media and their withdrawal from the royal family. The show caused an uproar in advance. According to reports, the episode was supposed to be renamed from “Megxit” to “Sussexit”. Fact is: On the BBC’s website, the episode is now simply called “Episode 2”.

The BBC has responded by changing its name to Harry’s allegations that the term “megsite” is sexist. But what is supposed to be sexist in the word, he left it open. A columnist for Britain’s daily The Telegraph took pains to explain to the Prince how the title came about this week. Contrary to his assertion, the term ‘Megxit’ was not intended to express misogyny. Because it contains the first syllable of the woman’s name–“and as the Duke cleverly recognized, the term for the woman he is married to”–but the emphasis is on the play of words. Because “Megxit” is a bit like “Brexit”. “A political event that the Duke may be familiar with.”

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But it’s not just Harry and Meghan who have criticized the BBC’s coverage. The film “Princes and the Press” was heavily criticized in the British media yesterday, because the documentary paraphrased long-known information, thus pouring oil on the fire. In a review for The Telegraph it was said: “The recycling of television has done nothing but affect the relations between the BBC and the royal family.” Harry and his brother Prince William. In fact, after the first episode of ‘The Princess and the Press’ aired last week, William and Kate canceled the Christmas show as a sign of protest, which was supposed to air on the BBC.

According to reports, the charity event that took place in Westminster Abbey will now be shown on British broadcaster ITV. In a rare joint statement, the three royal families – Buckingham Palace, Clarence House with Prince Charles and Camilla, and Kensington Palace with William and Kate – criticized BBC documents for “exaggerated and unsubstantiated allegations from unnamed sources” for lending credibility.

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The media have reported that allegations Charles should have speculated about the skin color of Harry and Meghan’s future children have been referred to as “fantasy” by minors. In a new book, American author Christopher Anderson talks about a similar conversation between Charles and his wife Camilla. The allegations have been up in the room since Meghan and Harry’s sensational TV interview with Oprah Winfrey in March. Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, who died in April at the age of 99, later excused the couple from accusations of making racist remarks. Since then, there has been a lot of speculation as to who the two could have meant.

Harry and Meghan, who have since renounced the British crown, live in California with their two children, two-year-old Archie and five-month-old Lilipt. But the couple is increasingly controversial in the United States, especially as Meghan has used her surname to meddle in American politics with demands for paid maternity leave. The fact that she had to apologize to the Court of Appeal because she “forgot” to work with the authors of the bio, also caused quite a stir. The proceedings relate to a lawsuit against British newspaper publishers who published extracts from a letter to their father.

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