July 27, 2024

Pelosi expected to send impeachment materials to the Senate next week

Pelosi expected to send impeachment materials to the Senate next week

Pelosi’s decision on when to formally refer the impeachment decision to the Senate comes as Democrats on both sides of the Capitol and the incoming administration grapple with how to balance the impeachment trial with the agenda of President-elect Joe Biden. It is unclear the day Pelosi will send the article, and she did not provide any hints when asked at her press conference on Friday, indicating the situation is fluid.

According to a Pelosi spokesperson, no decision has been made on the timing.

“Regarding the timing, as I mentioned, a week ago, on the sixth of January, there was an active insurgency in the American capital with the impetus of the president of the United States,” Pelosi said Friday. “One week later, from Wednesday to Wednesday, this president was removed in a bipartisan fashion by the House of Representatives. So the urgent matter that they are now working to take to trial, and you will be the first to know when it is announced that we are going there.”

The timing of the House sending the article is noteworthy because the Constitution requires the Senate to start the trial at 1 PM ET the next day.

The Senate returns to session on January 19, the day before Biden is inaugurated, which means the impeachment trial can begin one hour after Biden opens January 20, although aides expect the earliest date to begin on January 21.

The Biden team and the Senate Democrats, who will take control of the room when Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are sworn in, hope they can separate Senate Day, so the Senate works to confirm the candidates and consider legislation in the morning and the trial takes place in the afternoon. But this plan requires the approval of every senator.

Pelosi did not respond to a question on Friday about whether she would keep the article indefinitely. When the House of Representatives sacked Trump in 2019, Pelosi has been stuck with articles for several weeks Faced with a Republican-led Senate over trial logistics.
Democrats are still trying to determine how long the trial should take as they try to convict President Donald Trump of “inciting the revolt.” Home They voted to remove him Wednesday On the One article 232-197, With 10 Republicans Dismissal support.
Another key question for Democrats is whether any witnesses should be called, such as Georgia’s Foreign Minister Brad Ravensberger. His call with Trump The president asked him to “find” the votes that were included in the impeachment decision.
Pelosi’s name on Tuesday Nine directors removed from the House of Representatives For trial headed by Maryland Rep. Jimmy Ruskin. On Friday, she said, the directors were “seriously preparing and praying for the trial that they will present to the Senate.”
Regardless of the exact timing, the Senate trial is likely to take place It starts when Trump is no longer presidentSome of the president’s allies and Republican senators have argued that there are constitutional problems with trying Trump when he is a private citizen.
However, many Republican senators, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, remain. I think there is no doubt that Trump has committed impeachment crimes, But They are torn As to whether that means they should vote to convict him.