July 27, 2024

NASA is looking for a solution to communication problems

NASA is looking for a solution to communication problems

After a communication problem with the Voyager 2 space probe last year, NASA is now looking for a solution to the problem of its twin, Voyager 1. The probe sends data to Earth. NASA said these have been unusable since November.

This is probably due to one of the three computers on board Voyager 1. A new signal sent by NASA to the probe at the beginning of March has now given a different answer. This will likely provide information on how to resolve the issue.

Because Voyager 1 is now 24 billion kilometers from Earth, the signals will take more than 22 hours to arrive. This is why it may take some time before the communication issue is resolved, NASA said. Voyager 1 (German: traveler) was launched on September 5, 1977, and Voyager 2 was launched on August 20, 1977. Both probes are unmanned.

The probe was intended to explore planets in the outer solar system, but it ultimately flew beyond the boundaries of the solar system. Temporary connectivity issues with the sensors occurred frequently. Just last summer, NASA was able to temporarily restore lost contact with the Voyager 2 space probe after it accidentally pointed its antenna temporarily away from Earth.

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