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Morgan Freeman & Co.: Biden receives support from Hollywood stars

Morgan Freeman & Co.: Biden receives support from Hollywood stars


Updated March 8, 2024 at 9:08 AM

Hollywood stars Morgan Freeman, Michael Douglas and Geena Davis support US President Joe Biden. What all these famous actors have in common is that they once played US presidents on screen, so of course they have the relevant experience.

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On Thursday evening, March 7, US President Joe Biden (81) He addressed the American people in his State of the Union address. But before that, the 46th President of the United States sought notable help from a variety of famous actors. Biden asked Hollywood stars and others: “Do you have any advice on how I should deliver my speech?” Morgan Freeman (86), Michael Douglas (79), Geena Davis (68), Tony Goldwyn (63) and Bill Pullman (70). What’s special: All of them have already portrayed an American president on screen in their careers.

“There is no crying in politics”

Hollywood star Morgan Freeman joked: “In my role as president, I only had to deal with a meteorite.” The video is posted on YouTube. In the disaster film Deep Impact, Freeman played US President Tom Peake. During his time as a film president, the actor learned “that hope is the most powerful force we have in this country.” His advice to Biden is that he needs to build hope.

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President Biden speaks with famous former “presidents.” © YouTube

Actor Goldwyn, on the other hand, hasn’t looked back on his tenure in office all that great. From 2012 to 2018, he played the role of US President Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III in the American television series “Scandal”. He “behaved very badly in many situations.” Goldwyn’s advice to Biden was: “Tell them [der amerikanischen Bevölkerung, Anm. d. Red.]That you exist for them. Tell them they’ll make you a better man.” After his speech, Biden can relax “with popcorn and red wine.”

President Biden praised actress Geena Davis, who played President Mackenzie Allen in the US television series “Hello, Mrs. President” from 2005 to 2006. Davis knows from his own experience “how difficult this job is.” There was “a new crisis every week” that she had to face. This seems to be understandable for Biden, because the current US president immediately replied: “You did a great job.” Davis’ advice to Biden: “No crying in politics.” Biden himself also hopes that “his policy will not make anyone cry.”

Joe Biden: I’ve never spoken to so many presidents at the same time

Michael DouglasWho played the role of US President Andrew Shepard in the comedy film “Hello, Mr. President” in 1995, learned from his experience as an American head of state that “love and compassion as a leader are strengths, not weaknesses.”

Hollywood actor Bill Pullman had less to do with relationship drama and more with aliens in his role as Chief Thomas J. Whitmore in the sci-fi film Independence Day. The conclusion of his term was: “We must not allow ourselves to be carried away by our petty differences. We will be united for our common interests.”

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Lots of good advice and guidance for President Joe Biden, who “likes to get to know everyone personally.” His conclusion from this online meeting was: “I have never spoken to so many presidents at the same time.” (yum/spot)
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