July 27, 2024

More money to protect from the wolf

More money to protect from the wolf

The National Council wants to provide an additional 5.7 million Swiss francs for protection from wolves. And he agreed to add an interview to the 2022 budget.

The idea was supported in Council by the Senior Vice President, Center and Parts of the Parliamentary Greens Group. The SP, FDP, and GLP all acknowledged the concern, but found that the necessary legal basis was missing.

According to figures collected by the Center for the Predatory Ecology, the number of wolves doubles every two to three years. In 2020 there were an estimated 105 animals, in 2021 there were 150 wolves and in 2022 the wolf population is expected to rise to 200. National Counsel Mike Egger (SVP/SG) said:

He asked his colleagues not to leave the affected farmers in the rain. “Help find a quick and uncomplicated interim solution so that wolf packs can be regulated by law. By accepting the complementary adoption of temporary, immediate measures against attacks by wolves on livestock, you support the most affected cantons and alpine regions, which want to reduce the damage to livestock for the 2022 alpine season as much as possible with a special effort, for example increasing grazing » explained Egger.

The request was supported by the Green Party. “We support the approach that herd protection should be strengthened, whether that is with additional alpine personnel, with protection dogs and increased controls,” said Felix Wittstein (Greens/SO). The Finance Committee found that the legal basis would not allow distribution for this summer and that the funds that had already been allocated were not exhausted. The money probably won’t make it to the Alps. “The majority of the Green faction will however support Egger Mike’s minority proposal, because they want to make it clear that livestock protection should be enhanced not wolf hunting,” Whitstein said.

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The Social Democrats opposed the proposal. “There is no legal basis to pay the required CHF 5.7 million. The money should not be paid at all and will remain as a credit at the end of the year. So we believe that increasing direct payments to mountain pastures is the right way to better protect mountain pastures,” said Martina Mons (SP/SH). herd.” She was also bothered by the amount of money.

“The amount of CHF 3.75 million for Alpine care seems to be very high. On the other hand, there is a shortage of well-trained personnel in the Alps, and it will not be possible to fill 250 new jobs with qualified personnel in the Alps this year or next,” he said. Mons. On the other hand, the sum of 15,000 francs per alpine pasture is very high. “The management expects 9,000 Swiss francs per treatment, so what is required is 6,000 Swiss francs, or 67 percent more,” she explained.

The majority of the National Assembly members supported the minority proposal with 101 yes to 72 no, with 17 abstentions. The work goes to the Council of States.