July 27, 2024

iPhone 14: Display orders fell sharply compared to iPhone 13

iPhone 14: Display orders fell sharply compared to iPhone 13

According to an analyst report dealing with developments in Apple’s supply chain in the Far East, Apple is said to have sharply reduced orders for iPhone 14 screens in the first quarter of 2023. Compared to the iPhone 13 in the previous year, fewer screens were ordered by 39 percent. However, it is positive for Apple that the more expensive Pro models seem to be well received by customers – more displays were requested here.

According to a report by Display Supply Chain Consultants The declines are said to be due to various reasons. This included the global economic situation, inflation and declining demand. A significant improvement is not expected in the second quarter either, although experience has shown that the Chinese New Year and the release of a new color – this year iPhone yellow – will boost sales again.

The situation is different with the Pro models: according to the information, between 22 and 23 percent of additional panels have been delivered for the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max, which indicates an increase in demand compared to the previous year’s models. The larger standard model, the iPhone 14 Plus, is more in demand than the iPhone 13 Mini. In comparison, show shipments were 59% higher.

Panel shipments indicate potential trends in iPhone demand. There have been reports in recent months that demand for the iPhone 14 may be lower than expected. However, incomplete information from suppliers can distort the picture. And while Apple usually avoids stockpiling components on a large scale, it’s possible that buffers will be used up, especially after Covid halted iPhone production at the end of 2022. So it’s possible that Apple has built up larger inventories to be on the safe side and is doing Now downgraded for the time being.

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