July 27, 2024

Great Britain beat Denmark in the third ESC track check

Great Britain beat Denmark in the third ESC track check

Status: 04/21/2023 10:32 pm

Great Britain won the third song check with May Muller and “I Write a Song” beat Denmark’s Reilly with “Breaking My Heart”. The last light in this round is Theodor Andre with “DGT ZZ” from Romania.

Finn Käärijä continues to lead the overall rankings with “Cha Cha Cha”. Tomorrow, in the fourth and final track check, it’s Poland, Slovenia, Georgia, San Marino, Austria, Albania, Lithuania and Australia. Germany was also checked, but of course, as always, without rating.

Voting results of the third ESC song validation 2023
Place Country Acting/Singing Points users (50%) Points Group (50%) Total points
1 Great Britain (UK) May Mueller – “I Wrote a Song” 6.9 6.5 13.4
2 Denmark Reilly – “Breaking My Heart” 5.2 7.3 12.5
3 Belgium Gustav – “By You” 6.0 6.0 12.0
4 Ukraine Tworchy – “Heart of Steel” 6.2 6.0 12.2
5 Estonia Alika – “Bridges” 6.6 4.9 11.5
6 Armenia Beauty – “Future Lover” 6.2 4.8 11
7 Iceland Dilja – “Power” 5.3 4.6 9.9
8th Cyprus Andrew Lambrew – “Break a Broken Heart” 5.2 4.3 9.5
9 Greece Victor Vernikos – “What They Say” 4.6 4.7 9.3
10 Romania Theodore Andre – “TGD (Off and On)” 3.2 2.6 5.8

50 percent of the ranking results from user voting. Points by Alina Stiegler and Stefan Spiegel, some song checkers and part of the team make up the other 50 percent.

More info

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One | Eurovision Song Contest | 07.05.2023 | 2:50 am