July 27, 2024

Garlic Fingers: Canadian garlic sticks with doner dip

Garlic Fingers: Canadian garlic sticks with doner dip

There are evenings when you just don't want to leave the house. All you need are comfy socks, sweatpants, and Netflix. But what would an evening in bed be without some delicious food? That's right: nothing, made right—that's where our Garlic Fingers with Toner Dip come into play.

These spicy garlic sticks from Canada couldn't be easier to make — and the dip helps put the finishing touches. Toner Dip…does that sound familiar? No wonder, because the dip is actually supposed to be the Canadian version of kebab sauce as we know it. Ding Ding Ding! Did we finally learn something again…even if it didn't really matter to us. The main thing is that it looks good!

You've never been particularly interested in Canadian cuisine, but have you been intrigued by these heavenly garlic fingers? Try these delicious dishes – it's worth it:

Have you ever heard of poutine? No wonder—french fries are practically Canada's national dish. The video shows exactly how it is done – step by step!

Canadian poutine

No matter the type of chicken, it's a Canadian street food classic: our delicious Canadian poutine fries!

Of course, other delicious dishes come out of the oven than delicious pastries. That's why today we're showing you a small selection of our best oven guides:

By the way: Our recipes are also available – download them!

Garlic Fingers: Canadian garlic sticks with doner dip


Spicy Garlic Sticks from Canada: Garlic Fingers



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Best Season:

Suitable all year round


You won't want to part with our Garlic Fingers with Creamy Tonaire Sauce. But you don't have to!

For Garlic Fingers:

For Donor Tip:


  1. The first step is to preheat the oven to 200 degrees fan (220 degrees top/bottom heat). Remove the dough from the packaging and roll out onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

  2. Now fry the bacon cubes in a pan until slightly crispy. Remove the pork from the pan and add the butter to the frying fat in the pan. Let it melt.

  3. Peel and chop the garlic and add to the butter mixture. Let it sweat for a minute, then remove the pan from the heat.

  4. Spread the pizza dough with the garlic butter and distribute the bacon cubes on top. Sprinkle the cheese on top and place the whole thing in the oven. Bake for twelve to 15 minutes.

  5. Meanwhile prepare the toner dip. To do this, mix sweetened condensed milk vinegar and garlic powder and season everything with salt and pepper.

  6. Serve the Roasted Garlic Fingers with Tonaire Dip – Enjoy!