July 27, 2024

Emmanuel Macron may offer a seat at the United Nations to run for the European army

Emmanuel Macron may offer a seat at the United Nations to run for the European army

France is the only member country to have a permanent seat on the council following Great Britain’s exit from the European Union. The European Union has only observer status. The United Kingdom, the United States, China and Russia have the other four permanent seats and veto power on the body tasked with maintaining world peace.

French demands from influential countries such as Germany, Italy and Spain to increase defense spending in response to Berlin’s demands for Paris to take its seat at the United Nations to work in Brussels were met with.

Angela Merkel and Olaf Schultz, First candidate to succeed her as chancellorBoth submitted the application, which Paris always refused.

Understandably, Macron is ready to discuss splitting the UN seat if he can come up with concessions that allow the EU to speak with one voice on foreign policy, as well as steps toward a common defense of the EU.

When asked about the possibility of handing over the seat of the Security Council to the European Union, the Elysee replied on Tuesday evening: “No comment.”

France and Germany want to withdraw effective vetoes in the foreign policy of EU member states and replace the consensus with a population-weighted vote. Such a move would give Paris and Berlin more influence and face resistance from some member states.

Britain has long opposed the creation of a European military force, and MPs have warned that post-Brexit Britain’s marginalization will only serve the enemies of the West.

“Britain provides a quarter of Europe’s total military capacity,” said Tobias Ellwood, chair of the Defense Committee. “It will only help our opponents exclude us from any discussion about developing our continental defensive position.”

A unique opportunity for him and for Europe

But France will take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union for a period of six months on the first of January, and thus will play a central role in the intergovernmental negotiations. During this time, Macron will hold a joint summit on EU defense with the President of the European Commission.

“This is a unique opportunity for him and for Europe,” said Jose, who was chosen by the French president as one of the first MEPs to cross the border. MEPs across borders represent the EU, not countries, and it is a popular project by Macron, who sees them as a way to strengthen democracy in the EU.

“We have to be prepared to maintain our transatlantic alliance, but also to grow in terms of our security and take responsibility,” Josie said. “Macron will definitely pay a lot. I would say that maybe his top priority now.”

There is a European Union plan to strengthen common cyber defense and information sharing and to establish a common situation awareness center next to a 5,000-strong force. The commission said the value-added tax on EU-manufactured arms could be waived to give French arms companies an advantage over their international competitors.

France and Italy said Okus Karta The EU needs to build its “sovereign independence” and be less dependent on an unreliable United States.

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