July 27, 2024

Controversial Chinese ship enters port in Sri Lanka

Controversial Chinese ship enters port in Sri Lanka

A Chinese research vessel has been allowed to enter a port in Sri Lanka despite concerns about espionage.


The basics in brief

  • The Chinese research vessel Yuan Wang 5 has arrived in Sri Lanka.
  • It is also feared that it will spy on Indian military installations.

Despite concerns about espionage India, a Chinese research vessel, entered a port in Sri Lanka. The “yuan Wang set out 5″ on Tuesday port managed by china Hambantota city in southern Sri Lanka, port officials said. Accordingly, the ship was allowed to dock on the condition that no investigations would be carried out in Sri Lankan waters.

According to Indian media reports,yuan Wang 5 »is not only a research vessel, but can also be used for espionage purposes. India fears that China will use the ship to spy on Indian military installations in the region.

The Government China noticed in New Delhi Increasing presence in the Indian Ocean And in Sri Lanka, great suspicion. Also the United StatesGovernment I became concerned about the activities ofyuan Wang 5 » Shown.

More on this topic:

yuan government

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