July 27, 2024

CNN “Town Hall”: Trump wants to pardon Capitol rioters if he wins the election

CNN “Town Hall”: Trump wants to pardon Capitol rioters if he wins the election

CNN “Town Hall”

Trump wants to pardon Capitol rioters if he wins the election

Former US President Donald Trump repeated his lie at the beginning of his appearance on CNN that his victory in the 2020 elections had been stolen from him.


Former President Donald Trump attends a Republican “town hall” hosted by Caitlan Collins on CNN.

CNN screenshot

  • On Wednesday evening (local time), the former US president gave a rare interview to CNN.

  • There, he repeated his lie about 2020 election fraud, blaming it on Pence.

  • If he is re-elected, he said, he wants to pardon the rioters who stormed the Capitol.

  • He also left open whether he would accept the official result of the 2024 presidential election.

“I think if you look at the outcome and if you look at what happened in this electionIf it does not very stupid person Trump said Wednesday night (local time) in an interview with CNN. According to the Republican, the presidential election that brought Democrat Joe Biden to power was rigged.

CNN anchor Caitlan Collins has contradicted Trump. “It was not a rigged election. It was not a stolen election.” Trump stood by his often-refuted claim and accused Collins of pursuing a political agenda.

When the language falls in search of his possessions, he says to the moderator, “You’re an abomination,” as German as “You’re a bad person.”

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Citizens close to Republicans or who don’t feel like they belong to either party are allowed to ask questions of the Collins-run show. Trump is running for the Republican presidential nomination in the 2024 election — he must pass his party’s primaries to do so.

It is unusual for Trump to appear on CNN, as the anchor is considered somewhat liberal and is repeatedly attacked by the 76-year-old.

Mike Pence is a very nice guy.

When asked about Vice Mike Pence, who mocked him at the time, he said, “He’s a very nice guy. He made a mistake.” When asked by moderator Caitlan Collins if he owed Pence an apology, Trump said, “No, because he did something wrong.” Pence presided over the congressional session as vice president during the storming of the Capitol in January 2021 — a purely ceremonial task from a legal point of view, but Trump has previously publicly called on his vice president to prevent the action. He also openly pitted his supporters against Pence.

Should he return to the White House, Trump also wants to pardon the rioters convicted of storming the US Capitol. “I am inclined to pardon many of them,” he said during the interview.

When asked if he would also pardon members of the far-right group the Proud Boys, he replied evasively: “I’ll have to look into their case.” But he could say that you will not get a fair trial in Washington.

Accept the result if the choice is “true”

Donald Trump left it open on whether he would accept the official result of the 2024 presidential election. “If I think it’s a fair election, I certainly will,” Trump responded Wednesday night (local time) on the CNN show when asked if he was committed to accepting the outcome of the election. .

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Moderator Caitlan Collins asked again: “Are you committed to accepting the election results no matter what?” Trump responded again evasively, saying, “If I thought it was a fair election, I would be honored.”

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