July 27, 2024

Alpine skiing: Things are not going as expected for the Swiss in Canada

Alpine skiing: Things are not going as expected for the Swiss in Canada

Marcel W. Perrin (text) and Sven Thomann (photos)

Preparation for the Run and Super G at Lake Louise will not go according to the plan of the Swiss Speed ​​Skating Team. With so little snow on the slope required for training in Panorama (B.C) until a few days ago, four-time World Cup winner Pete Fuse and his teammates had to train on a rather soft surface in unpopular Nakiska. Ski resort. On the track where Frenchman David Poisson crashed into a tree four years ago due to poor safety precautions and died. That’s why the ski buddies reacted with relief when they finally got the green light for a few units at Panorama on Friday.

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