May 25, 2024

Pay attention to certain symptoms

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People between the ages of 60 and 70 usually develop non-melanoma skin cancer. However, the disease can also develop early due to risk factors.

About 260,000 people in Germany are diagnosed each year with white or mild skin cancer, which includes two subtypes: squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. The disease can develop particularly on the face, usually the forehead, but also on the neck, ears, hands, chest or trunk – basically anywhere in areas particularly exposed to sunlight. in contrast For black skin cancer In the case of white melanoma, metastases rarely form, for example in the bones, so the chances of recovery are better. However, non-melanoma skin cancer can be serious and cause permanent damage. Pay attention to certain symptoms.

Non-melanoma skin cancer: What are the first signs?

People with white melanoma often initially suspect the skin change to be a small pimple or inflammation. © Scientific Image Library/Imago

Non-melanoma skin cancer can appear as basal cell carcinoma in different forms. The most noticeable are:

  • Nodular, skin-colored to reddish bumps, often covered with a pearl-like rim.
  • Red spots on the trunk or skin changes that appear as scarring.
  • Weeping and slight bleeding in affected skin areas is a sign that the tumors have already reached an advanced stage of the disease.
  • The appearance of skin that is itchy or bleeding.
  • Small nodules on the shiny skin.

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Squamous cell carcinoma of non-melanoma skin cancer often presents with:

  • A reddened, strongly adherent, rough skin surface that can be easily felt.
  • Tightly adherent, lumpy tissue that bleeds when scratched.
  • Scaly, red or yellow-brown patches of skin
  • Scaly areas of skin that look like a small wound.

Effectively prevents skin cancer through continuous sun protection

The main cause of skin cancer is intense and long-lasting ultraviolet radiation. Despite a positive diagnosis, anyone diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer is at higher risk of developing it again – like Mireya du Mont, who went public with her skin cancer.

Non-melanoma skin cancer: who is at risk of developing it

The risk of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma is especially high in:

  • Light-skinned people
  • Regular and intense ultraviolet rays
  • Sunburn, even in childhood
  • Skin cancer in the immediate family

This article only contains general information about the health topic in question and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It does not, in any way, replace a visit to a doctor. Our editorial team is not permitted to answer individual questions about medical conditions.