May 18, 2024

Awakens a longing for the big wide world

The Iroquois tribe once called “Canada” a village or settlement. To be called Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia is a bold understatement. Canada is 120 times the size of Austria and has 90 percent forest cover. It has more sparkling lakes than anywhere else in the world, bears sometimes graze on the side of the road, highways glitter to the horizon, and everything from 40 degree summers to arctic cold winters is possible here. It is one of the most attractive countries on earth. Photographer Wolfgang Fuchs has now combined his many trips to Canada into a single show: “Canada – Places of Longing in Big Format”.

“The Big Country of Nostalgia”

Even for Fuchs, who has already made people want to travel to New Zealand, Scandinavia, Provence, Tuscany, Cornwall, Ireland, Wales and the United States for his shows, the country is “in a league of its own. I think it's the biggest aspirational country on Earth. Even for me.” So this time tests courage in the Yukon, a very special welcome ritual in Newfoundland, forest fires, Native Americans and when someone “measures” the oil level with the crook of their arm on the last gas. A station hundreds of miles away on the Dempster Highway you are deeply immersed in Canadian reality. Fuchs Just Six Words Reveals how to get across Canada.

The Fuchs family moved around the country in their RV for years, “but we traveled and photographed all the way, canoe, horse or plane.” This time the performances will be accompanied by country musician Rob Fath, and each audience member will be treated to a Canadian whiskey tasting.

See also  Arslanbek Makhmudov against Marius Wash on January 22 in Canada!

Friday at the Liezen Cultural Center

Fuchs makes a guest appearance next Friday, February 23, at the Kulturhaus Liezen with “Canada – Places of Longing in Large Format”. The live multimedia program starts at 7:30 PM. Tickets are available in advance from the Schlömicher travel agency and and at the evening box office.

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