May 19, 2024

Insects: Researchers: Cicada Floods in Central and Southeastern America

U.S. scientists expect up to a trillion cicadas to flood the Midwest and Southeast in late spring America. “USA Today” cites researchers who expect this to happen in 19 states, with two populations known as “Brute XIII” and “Brute.”

So both populations sleep underground for most of their lives. “According to Pruitt USA Today, a strong event of both is expected from mid-May to the end of June.

A few days after hatching, male cicadas begin making buzzing sounds of up to 90 decibels to mark their territory and attract mates. Due to the massive appearance Insects The “New York Times” writes that blocks like a plane taking off are possible.

Cicadas are not directly dangerous to humans or animals, scientists said. Instead, they serve as a food source for birds and are good compost after they die.

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