May 16, 2024

The US space agency launches the live streaming service Nasa+

The US space agency has launched its own streaming service. In addition to the live broadcast of the missile launches, there will also be ad-free series.

November 8, 2023, 5:57 pmNovember 8, 2023, 7:04 pm

Steve Hack/T Online

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The “NASA Plus” live streaming service is scheduled to be launched on Wednesday, November 8. The US space agency announced this in a short video. The channel will be available for free and without ads.

Promotional video (on YouTube):

What is there to see?

It says the “family-friendly streaming service” gives users access to the Emmy Award-winning space agency’s live reports. The content included, among other things, a series of missiles and their live launches.

At the beginning of the channel, NASA broadcasts an animated series called “Lucy.” In the film, a five-eyed spaceship goes on an adventurous journey through space to visit the so-called Trojans. The spacecraft hopes that the journey will enable it to learn more about the composition of our solar system.

Series trailer (on YouTube):

The story of the series is inspired by NASA’s “Lucy” probe. The Car He is said to fly close to seven of the so-called Jupiter Trojans: Eurybates, Coeta, Polymel, Leucus, Aurus, Patroclus and Menoetius.

Jupiter Trojans are asteroids that orbit the Sun in the same orbit as Jupiter. They are considered “planetary formation fossils.” That’s why NASA hopes the mission will provide new insights into the formation of planets and our solar system, just like the little spaceship in the animated series.

where is that?

NASA+ should be available on all shared platforms

The Nasa+ streaming service will be available on the most popular mobile platforms via the NASA app on iOS and Android. And also on platforms like Roku, apple NASA wants to offer its service on TV, Fire TV or in the browser.

As of the early evening of November 8, the announced streaming service was not integrated into the NASA app. The corresponding update has been coming for a long time in the app stores. on Streaming view is already available.


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