April 30, 2024

Dashes to dashes – GNU / Linux.ch

Friday, March 17, 2023, Ralph Hersel

Perhaps there are few among the readers David Bowie Fans who appreciate the title of this article. After spending most of my time last night writing a Bug reports to extend gnome dash for the board I take this experience as an opportunity to write about Dashes in GNOME Shell.

In the cover image, you can see Fedora 37 with a vanilla GNOME shell. The instrument panel (below) is not visible in normal operation. Appears only when activities are clicked or the SUPER button is pressed. Purists like this brief overview of running apps. This makes me feel handicapped in my work. I always want to know what’s going on. I would also like to know how far it is going. The attentive observer has noticed that the “running indicators,” the little white dots in the dash below the app icons, don’t show apps that have been opened more than once.

This is where the best dashes come in.

Intuitive classic dash to dock. This GNOME Shell extension has long been used in many distributions. This allows you to place dashes on all sides of your desktop and configure them in a variety of ways.

In the screenshot you can see the dash on the left, fully expanded, in Unity style. The dashes in the border indicate multiple open instances of the applications. There are also several settings for how Dash starters interact with mouse actions. The example shows a preview of the two open files in the file manager.

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Dash-to-Dock does this brilliantly. The dashes’ crowning glory, in my opinion, goes to the expansion dash for the board. Admittedly, this extension is a monster of genesis, which one would rather expect to find in the KDE world.

With the enormous setting options, I would like to emphasize the following characteristics that are important to me:

  • You can’t avoid the top panel in GNOME. If you want to get as much screen real estate as possible, you can either use vanilla GNOME (thereby losing the overview), or incorporate dashes into the top panel, as you do dash-to-panel. If the board is there anyway, you can also use the dash’s free space.
  • By default, GNOME Shell cannot “Minimize all Windows”. I could be wrong, but after a quick search I couldn’t find a command for it. Dash-to-Panel offers this by default: a tap in the upper right corner minimizes all open apps. I think this feature is useful if you want some clarity on your desktop.
  • With Dash-to-Panel it is possible to hide the application menu. I think this code is superfluous because you can also access it via SUPER and SUPER and because I think hardly anyone needs this functionality. Applications are launched either via Dash or via SUPER + Search.

Does anyone need this?

Well, when it comes to desktop design, opinions can differ wildly. After all, we are GNU / Linux, where you can do everything and everything is allowed. How do you deal with the Dash problem as GNOME users? Please write it in the comments.

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Oh yeah, me Bug report It was unfortunately in vain, because the problem was not with the extension, but because Extension manager It did not automatically upgrade the extension from version 53 to 55, which again would require a new bug report. In the end, I had to upgrade the extension via GNOME Extensions Web Page to update.

Source: none