May 6, 2024

A conference in Russia: a tribute to science

A conference in Russia: a tribute to science

Tehran (ICNA) – An international conference on the flag of “Tajweed” was held in Saratov, southwest Russia.

“The Science of Tajweed: History, Reality and Prospects” was the title of the scientific event organized by the Zayed Bin Thabet Quranic Center of the Department of Muslim Scholars.

Regarding the method of reciting the Qur’an, intonation is a set of laws for the correct pronunciation of letters in all their qualities and the use of various traditional methods of recitation.

At the conference, scholars from Russia, Iran, Turkey and Kazakhstan presented their articles on the sciences of the Qur’an, intonation and the history of Islam and exchanged their views on new teaching methods in this field.

Among the participants was the first argument of Islam Saber Akbari Jedi, representative of the leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolution in Russia.

Download an article written in Arabic on the history of the development of Tadschweed’s science.

The conference was part of a program to commemorate the 1100th anniversary of the accession of the Volga Bulgars to Islam.

Volga Bulgaria was a historical Bulgarian state that existed between the 7th and 13th centuries between the reaches of the Volga and the Kama Rivers in what is now part of Russia east of the Urals.

A conference in Russia: a tribute to science

A conference in Russia: a tribute to science

A conference in Russia: a tribute to science


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