May 8, 2024

Ukraine conflict: Ischinger hopes to negotiate with Russia

Ukraine conflict: Ischinger hopes to negotiate with Russia

Shortly before the talks on the conflict in Ukraine, the United States increased pressure on Russia. Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken called on the Kremlin to de-escalate. Moscow must stop threatening Ukraine — or else there will be dire consequences, according to CNN’s Blinken.

Talks in Geneva on Monday

Blinken was referring to the deployment of troops to the Ukrainian border over the past few weeks. The United States, the European Union and NATO fear a Russian invasion of the neighboring country. For its part, the Kremlin is warning about NATO’s eastward expansion and does not appear ready to make concessions. The central part of the US-Russia talks is scheduled to take place in Geneva on Monday.

The president of the Munich Security Conference, Wolfgang Ischinger, was cautiously optimistic nonetheless in an interview with BR24 Rundschau. He described arms control, confidence-building measures and disarmament as important points in the talks. It is hoped, Ischinger said, that it will not be just a “brief escalation of the diplomatic process”, but “the beginning of a complex, complex and difficult process.”

Putin pushes Ukraine towards NATO

Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin accuse Ischinger of contributing significantly to the quest of many Eastern European countries towards NATO and the European Union. This provoked nothing more than Russia’s refusal to fully recognize the sovereignty and integrity of its neighbours. Ischinger also sees Ukraine’s tendency to turn westward due to Putin’s aggressive behavior, among other things in his dealings with Crimea.

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Siko is supposed to take place in February

The president of the Munich Security Conference expects the federal government to play a “central role” in the future. Germany should not be an observer on the sidelines. This is what the tradition of German politics requires. When asked about the upcoming Munich Security Conference, Ischinger replied that as of today, it will take place in February, even if it is not clear how many participants will then meet at the Bayerischer Hof.