May 5, 2024

Because they know what they're doing: BILD condemns 'lockdown makers' - Olaf Schulz is silent - Media - Society

Because they know what they’re doing: BILD condemns ‘lockdown makers’ – Olaf Schulz is silent – Media – Society

So you are “The Lockdown Makers”: Viola Priesemann, Dirk Brockmann and Michael Meyer-Hermann. No one appointed them, it was ‘Bild’ that gave them that nickname. With the following testimony: “The trio of experts frustrates us at the festival.”

Such a claim is not without objection. Political economist Maja Goebel wrote on Twitter: “This is not just a lie, it is a slander and a danger to scientists’ freedom to advise to the best of their knowledge.” Gobel calls politics and the press council for clarification.

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Christian Drosten, the leading virologist at the Charité, did not hold back, and also considered it necessary “that politicians themselves correct this representation in order to protect the scientists involved”.

However, Saturday evening leaves doubts as to whether that will happen. “There are no longer red lines for my government,” Olaf Schultz, a future federal chancellor, told Zeit. What is meant is anti-epidemic measures.