July 27, 2024

Vip, Vip, Hurray !: Does Meghan Markle want to be the President of the United States?

Vip, Vip, Hurray !: Does Meghan Markle want to be the President of the United States?

Donald Trump was engraved against Meghan Markle’s political ambitions, Elliott Page was the first transgender man to grace the cover of “The New York Times” and DJs sent awesome embarrassing holiday greetings from Dubai. Vip, Vip, Hurray! Here comes our weekly celebrity feed.

Anyone who thinks meeting Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is a historical story after a week is wrong. New developments, results and rumors spread like wildfire every day. Everyone has an opinion of the “Gordian Duchess,” but perhaps we should start to distinguish between: What is opinion, what is prejudice?

The Duchess’s criticism continues. Each sequence of the world-famous “scandal interview” with talk legend Oprah Winfrey is carefully analyzed, perhaps one should say: anatomy. Megan claimed that she “naively” slipped into the royal family and “didn’t look” for her husband before the wedding. In fact, she is said to have an accurate knowledge of the English crown – and she always dreamed of becoming a princess one day.

It is said that she watched the wedding of Princess Diana, Harry’s mother, who passed away in 1997, over and over again. Now many critics are wondering: Did Megan want to be the new Diana? Alleged evidence of such ambitions: the former actress copied Diana’s fashion style. There are also pictures of Kate Middleton wearing a similar “Princess of Hearts” outfit, but of course no one cares these days.

In fact, Meghan’s aspirations should go in a direction beyond just wanting to be a princess. Perhaps Prince Harry’s wife and the soon-to-be mother of two are trying politics. “A lot of information” – especially for former US President Donald Trump, who, as he openly admits, is “not a fan” of Megan. That’s why he declared war on her as soon as she learned that the Duchess of Sussex had met with some Democrats, possibly to raise money for a possible presidential nomination.

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Even Hillary Clinton has already spoken and thinks it’s OK for Markle’s networks to extend into politics. The former president says he really “hopes” that the Duchess’s ambitions will go in this direction, because such a nomination would only motivate him to run again.

Embarrassing and glamorous holiday greetings from Dubai

But this week also has great rave reviews for the celebrity world to offer. Julia Siegel, for example, does really well. It is celebrating in Dubai, and like many other influencers who do not seem to care about the violation of human rights there, the sun shines on their furs in this controversial desert country. You have to recover from the lockdown. It’s cold in Germany, and that doesn’t mean just the temperatures.

DJane cheerfully posts stories of injustice to her followers, while the number of coronavirus diseases is increasing daily and one now expects conditions like Christmas time again. But hey, anyone who criticizes sun worshipers like Siegel for the fizz of champagne is just jealous! In the meantime, the party girl has likely come across a lot of criticism. On Thursday evening, she suddenly set her Instagram account to private and only granted visions of the embarrassing luxury vacation upon request.

Thoughtful and at the same time very touching comes from favorite Rrik Gíslason on this week’s “Let’s Dance”. The 33-year-old beautiful Icelandic tells of his worst loss: Farewell to his beloved mother, who lost her battle against cancer last year. He even planned her funeral with her. To the end, she did not lose her sense of humor. Shortly before her death, she was kidding, reveals Gislason, who dedicated the amazing dance last week to his mother, who had always wished her son had a happy life.

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At least it looks like Elliot Page finally got this one, too. The Canadian actor now lives in the delicate body he always wanted to live in. After a mastectomy, Paige will be the first transgender man to grace the cover of Time magazine, published today. He was quoted as saying: “I am totally who I am.”

What else was happening during the week?

Michelle Obama talks closely and personally about her husband Barack, who is not supposed to be the athlete he likes to pretend. It is said that Barack was only grumbling on a bike ride together. There seems to be real love stress in Lopez’s home. Is J Lo flirting with someone else? MORE: Did Alex Rodriguez Cheat? The singer and former baseball player have been a couple for four years. It is now said that the grace of the house is so outstanding that speculation soon made the rounds made by the two to sever their engagement. Meanwhile, they are supposed to work on their relationship in the Dominican Republic.

The English royal family is also dedicated to this task. Prince Harry finally spoke to his brother over the phone. It was said that it was a very “private conversation”. So special that the first details of it reached the press the next day. You will of course discover if everyone in the UK will soon be reunited in each other’s arms – VIPs, VIPs, hurray! – As always with ntv.de.