July 27, 2024

Vacation in Mallorca: Walking the Playa becomes a nervous test

Vacation in Mallorca: Walking the Playa becomes a nervous test

The holiday season has officially opened in Playa de Palma. Thousands of tourists wander the beautiful sandy beaches, party hard at Balermann or stroll along the promenade.

But the latter can be a real test for one or two vacationers in Mallorca. I walked into the square, and after a few minutes I came to a clear conclusion.

Holidays in Mallorca: a walk with consequences

It’s a sunny day in Playa de Palma – a good mood is inevitable in this weather. But that must change quickly. Because my walk along the beach promenade from Balnerio 1 to Balnerio 6 becomes a stress test. Reason: I was approached by promoters in almost every store.

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No matter if it’s a restaurant, a tattoo studio or a cocktail bar: almost everywhere, the staff wants to attract me to their location. While many people settle for a simple “no thanks” and try it with the next passer-by, others are a bit more stubborn. Sometimes they deliberately get in my way or run a few meters behind me. In the end, there were ten impressive promoters who spoke to me during the 15-minute journey. But there is a trick to escaping everything.

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On the way back, I decided to walk on the other side. On the beach promenade overlooking the water, two touts finally accosted me, and I politely declined their offer.

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My conclusion after this short tour: At the end of the day, promoters are just doing their job. But you often see vacationers who catch your eye in a state of annoyance more than those who actually respond to the offers. Ultimately, you have to live with this if you go on holiday in Ballermann. It’s still unnerving.

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It seems that touts are not the only ones causing inconvenience to tourists in Playa de Palma. The notorious street vendors, called “Helmuts”, are not afraid to talk to every tourist they encounter.