July 27, 2024

United Kingdom: An elite police officer arrested on suspicion of murder

United Kingdom: An elite police officer arrested on suspicion of murder

The disappearance of a 33-year-old young man in London attracted great interest in Great Britain days ago. Now there is a new development that should raise public interest again: An elite police officer has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

London police said on Wednesday that the official, who belongs to the Parliamentary and Diplomats Protection Unit, has been in custody since Tuesday evening. Also Tuesday, a woman was arrested in the course of the same investigation. It is suspected of aiding and abetting.

The missing woman had left a friend’s apartment on the evening of March 3 for about 50 minutes – but she never got there. The police have been asking the public for information about the case for days.

Officials raided buildings in London, Kent, and a wooded area near Ashford on Wednesday. In the evening, the metropolitan police reported discovering body parts in the woods. Commissioner Cressida Dick said the dead man’s identity had yet to be confirmed. It may take a “long time” for clarity to prevail.

The Mayor of London also commented on the issue

The policeman arrested the suspect in Kent on Tuesday. He is accused of immoral exposure in addition to the murder charges. The suspect was in his unit According to the British newspaper The Guardian The first person responsible for controlling the property of diplomatic missions. Police officers in this role are usually armed.

Dick said that the arrest of the investigator caused “shock and anger” among the public and the police. “I speak on behalf of all my colleagues when I say that we are horrified by this terrible news.” The task of the police is to “take control of the streets and protect the people”.

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Previously, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has already demonstrated his understanding when “people are shocked and anxious” about the developments. It welcomed the referral of the official’s case to a supervisory body, which was now conducting an independent investigation.

Icon: Mirror