July 27, 2024

UK: No more connection restrictions as of 21 June

UK: No more connection restrictions as of 21 June

With the number of coronavirus infections so high, residents in the Alpes-Maritimes department in southern France must be prepared for tighter exit restrictions in place temporarily. You may not leave the house except in exceptional cases, in which case it is forbidden to move more than five kilometers from your home.

Shopping centers of more than 5,000 square meters must remain closed.

“There will be a curfew in urban communities on the coast in the coming weekends,” explained Bernard Gonzalez, Director of the Department of Alpes Maritime.

Germany: Opening of nurseries and primary schools

In Germany the dilution is taking place, with the onset of the new weeks, day care centers and primary schools reopen in ten federal states.

“I’m really happy to see the kids in school again today. That was a long time the kids were at home. I think it’s a huge challenge for the parents. So we’re so happy that we finally started today,” says teacher Anya Nessling.

UK: Four-step plan through June 21

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised to end all restrictions. “We’re referring to what I’m hoping for and I think should be a one-way road to freedom.” The journey is made possible by the rapid advances in vaccines, Johnson said.

On April 12, hairdressers, fitness studios, theme parks and zoos will be allowed to reopen in Great Britain. The UK’s four-step plan calls for all communication restrictions to be lifted by 21 June.

All schools in the greater British part of the country must reopen on 8 March. On the other hand, regions of Scotland and Wales are dependent on a partial school opening, which began this week. More social contacts will be allowed in England from the second week of March as well. For example, home residents can receive visitors again.

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The next step will take place on March 29. It can meet up to six people or two again in the fresh air. Outdoor sports facilities such as tennis or golf courses are also allowed to reopen.

Starting April 12, shops, museums and libraries should be allowed to receive visitors again. Bars and restaurants should also reopen, if only for operation in the outdoor areas.

Going to the movies and staying at a hotel should be possible again on May 17th at the earliest, in addition to indoor club sports. Up to 30 people can meet again at weddings or other important occasions. International travel may be permitted again. For example, you can meet up to 10,000 people at the soccer field.

The number of infections in the UK has decreased dramatically in the past few weeks. At the same time, more than 17.5 million people in the country have already been vaccinated against the Coronavirus with the first dose.