July 27, 2024

The third wave: Why does politics remain inactive?

The third wave: Why does politics remain inactive?

The number of casualties is rising, and calls are increasing from all directions of the flag to close. Virologist Martin Sturmer complains that important time is lost and that scientific results are no longer taken into account.

“It is a shame to see how much time is ultimately wasted through democratic processes,” says the virologist. This time, in fact, there is an urgent need to bring the epidemic under control. “All the lethargy we see now has to be paid for by other people,” says Stuermer.

An election campaign hinders the fight against the epidemic

He had the impression that the science had lagged behind since the start of March when politicians decided to relax despite the increasing numbers. “I can’t explain it to myself other than that it must have anything to do with an election campaign,” says the virologist.

There are several reasonable measures in place for emergency brakes planned nationwide. “But we have to use it now and we have to use it much more difficult than we know so far in order to be able to break the wave now,” Stuermer stressed. This is especially about avoiding contact in the private sector. In other countries such as Great Britain and Portugal, the infection process has been very well controlled by preventing exit and contact

The attacker demands a strict exit ban

Stormer said curfews are often misunderstood. It’s not about expelling people from the outdoors. There are many casualties in the private sector. An exit barrier can prevent people from meeting many others at all.

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And he feared that politicians would not act fast enough and that the number of casualties would remain high in four weeks. Stuermer said he does not expect any breaks in the intensive care units.