July 27, 2024

The ships Canada and North America (2021) cannot take place!

The ships Canada and North America (2021) cannot take place!

TUI Cruises ran into a big problem after Canada announced another cruise ban.

Canada had already imposed a travel ban until mid-2021 in 2020. Now Canada spoke up again, and in my opinion, initially extended the cruise ban until the end of February 2022, relatively unnecessarily. You leave the back door open, but this first removes any security planning. It is also doubtful whether Canada ever deviates from its strict course. In Canada, there are also vaccination problems similar to those in Germany, and there the cruise is seen as a problem.

This puts TUI Cruises under pressure with its Mein Schiff and Hapag Lloyd Cruises brands. Because both brands should actually expire on North American cruises in the fall of 2021 as well as head to ports in Canada. The cruise ban applies to all cruise ships with more than 100 passengers. This should somehow work for Hapag Lloyd Cruises, but not at all for Mein Schiff. Also influenced by MS Hamburg from Plantours and Amera from Phoenix Reisen.

The planned voyages can no longer be represented this way, beginning with the transit voyage from Hamburg to New York or Bayonne and continuing through the entire autumn season that Mein Schiff 1 should have approached the ports in Canada. Blue voyages are also not possible, as entry to Canadian waters is already prohibited by regulations.

TUI Cruises hasn’t contacted us yet, but they’ll definitely have to think about it. There is of course a small possibility that Canada will decide again, but shipping companies as well as guests need security planning. As long as there is a ban on cruises, you will definitely not receive any support from the outlets you want to approach. You should also prepare supplies and all seasonal logistics in North America. This does not make it easier.

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You can also find the travel report from Mein Schiff in Canada here: