July 27, 2024

The Queen joked with American tourists – because they don’t recognize her

The Queen joked with American tourists – because they don’t recognize her

The Queen joked with American tourists – because they didn’t recognize her

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II.

© Picture Alliance

Queen Elizabeth II can rarely have a comfortable conversation with people – after all, everyone knows her. But a group of travelers from the United States prepared the king for a pleasant conversation.

For someone like Queen Elizabeth II, the little things in life can be a rarity. For example, an inexperienced conversation, without any proprietary reservations on the part of the interlocutors. One of the king’s employees told the British newspaper “The Times” a particularly charming story. Accordingly, the 95-year-old Queen was walking around her residence at Balmoral Castle in Scotland when a group of American tourists approached her. The vacationers seemed to have no idea that the Queen of the United Kingdom was standing in front of them in person.

Instead of educating ignorant tourists, the Queen apparently enjoyed small, unexpected conversations in disguise and allowed herself many jokes. When asked if she lives in the area, she answers that she owns a house nearby. When they wanted to know from her if she had met the Queen, the 95-year-old proved her quick wit. the newspaper “the sun” She quotes: “No, but this police officer has already met you,” at which point Elizabeth II is said to have referred to her company. After speaking to the friendly old lady, the tour group finally left without any doubt.

The Queen joked with a group of tourists

Queen Elizabeth II spends a few weeks each summer on a Scottish estate. In 2021, she will have to do so for the first time without her husband after Prince Philip died in April this year at the age of 99.

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