July 27, 2024

Sussex Interview Analysis – This struck the English royals in the core

Megan and Harry appearances in Oprah Winfrey reveal the break points of the British monarchy.

Meghan and Harry's interview with Oprah Winfrey was met with much interest in the UK.

Meghan and Harry’s interview with Oprah Winfrey was met with much interest in the UK.

Photo: Glenn Kirk (AFP)

Hit that sat. The royals don’t get over these words so easily. In front of a global audience of millions, Harry, the grandson of Queen Elizabeth and his wife Meghan, with little help from Oprah Winfrey, threw their hearts on “The Company” and the rest of the family in London. Read our TV review of the interview here.

I heard all sorts of things on the Winfrey talk show: Megan was desperate; The family did not protect them from hateful attacks; Prince Charles did not answer the phone when his son Harry tried to file a complaint with him. In the end, whatever was left for the couple was a drastic act of self-liberation.

Megan and Harry in Oprah Winfrey: What is Just Melodrama and What is Justified Bitterness?

Megan and Harry in Oprah Winfrey: What is Just Melodrama and What is Justified Bitterness?

Photo: Keystone

So much for this interview’s story, which has been sold in more than 70 countries around the world. What the melodrama was about the great Oprah show and what justifies the bitterness of “Sussex” treatment in London: This is what you are trying to pick out right now in a confused kingdom.

In any case, no one doubts that Megan has encountered racist undertones. And the British monarchy has never had any special respect for women who want to be separated from certain roles. This was the essence of Diana’s drama that Megan now remembers.

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For the royal family, the American film actress who did not want to give up her celebrity status was a challenge from the start. No compromises in such a strict frame, and no part-time roles, were actually expected when Harry and Meghan were looking for an alternative to life on the court.

The fact that Megan and Harry want to use their association with “the company” for profitable businesses is something many in Harry’s old home country discover bitterly.

Your new base in the United States highlights the contrast between cultures that clash most clearly. Here the right to self-realization, personal appreciation and financial success. There is the ancient world of Windsor, which has always stifled such ambition and special needs in its gray walls – as we all know from the TV series “The Crown”.

Of course, not many Brits see this change of landscape as completely cashless, which Oprah Winfrey has done perfectly. The fact that Megan and Harry want to use their association with “the company” for lucrative businesses is something that some people in Harry’s old hometown feel bitterly uncomfortable with.

However, it remains incomprehensible why the Windsors are now resorting to the oldest and harsh means against the new challenge and want to stage a kind of show trial against Megan – due to the alleged harassment and rudeness. This only exacerbates the confrontation.

The rest of the world is having fun at Windsor’s expense and they will not give up on this series.

Too bad, according to reform-ready monarchists, to miss a unique opportunity to revamp an observed monarchy and give it a new, multicultural diversity. Finally, the rest of the nation also knows that 95-year-old Elizabeth II will not be seated on the throne forever and that Crown Prince Charles is not very popular in the country.

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She didn't want to watch the interview: 95-year-old Queen Elizabeth II in conversation with Australian politicians.

She didn’t want to watch the interview: 95-year-old Queen Elizabeth II in conversation with Australian politicians.

Image: Getty

A blow like that, of course, does not stop the British monarchy from its hinges. Understandably, the British Republicans are happy with the disputes the “company” is now enduring – while the rest of the world is enjoying it at Windsor’s expense and does not want to abandon the series.